
Difficulty Rating: 3

Forever anchored to their coffins and the unholy earth of their graves, these nocturnal predators scheme constantly to strengthen themselves and fill the world with their foul progeny.

Vampires appear just as they did in life, although their features are often hardened and feral, with predatory look of wolves. Like liches, they often embrace finery and decadence and may assume the guise of nobility. Despite their human appearance, vampires can be easily recognized, for they cast no shadows and throw no reflections in mirrors. Vampires speak any languages they knew in life.

Combat: First off a vampire can do whatever it once did in it's past and former life. They retain all skills and knowledge they had however they are now vulnerable to holy and divine-based attacks. Entering a Temple of a Primal (With the exception of Oblivious) will cause pain to them. Entering a Temple of Lothos is outright lethal for them. Vampires can drain the blood of a victim they have held or immobilized with their fangs. Doing so shall also increase the vampire's own health and energy. Any such victim drained of all blood shall rise up as a vampire within 1-4 days. This vampire is under the command of the vampire that made it till the master's destruction or that master vampire decides to allow the other vampire it's freedom. Vampires can as well command lesser creatures, once a day able to call forth rat swarms, bat swarms and packs of wolves to fight for it's own defense.

At will, a vampire can turn into a gaseous form and remain so as long as it wants. Vampires also have a fast healing rate and if "killed" they revert to gas form and escape back to it's coffin. Once at rest in the coffin the vampire is helpless, usually needing a few days to fully recover. A vampire's most powerful attack comes from it's eyes, able to dominate a person and crush their will just by looking into their eyes. The victim is within the vampire's control for as long as the victim remains within 30 feet of the vampire. An attack by a vampire's hands also causes a type of "Negative Energy" attack causing the person hit to grow weaker and the vampire to grow stronger. Any such negative damage incured remains with the attacked person till a Cleric/Priest of Lothos is able to cleanse out the negative energy.

A Vampire is able to shapeshift, naturally, into a bat, dire bat, wolf or dire wolf at will. While in this form they lose the negative energy and dominate abilities but gain whatever powers that form has. It can remain in this form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise. A vampire is prone to attacks from silver and magically enchanted weapons, however their own natural weapons are also treated as magic based (Unholy/Evil) attacks. A vampire also has resistance to cold and electrical attacks and can climb sheer surfaces in a manner similar to a spider. A vampire is very alert, has excellent reflexes and dodge capabilities and increased speed (But not that insane V:TM Celerity thing)

Regarding other vampire weaknesses, vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. They also recoil from a mirror or a strongly presented symbol of Lothos. These things do not harm a vampire but do keep them at bay for at least 5 feet of distance. Vampires are also unable to cross running water, although they can be carried over it while resting in their coffins or aboard a ship. They are utterly unable to enter a home or other building unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so. They may freely enter public places since these are by definition open to all.

Slaying a vampire can be done by several different means. First off is exposure to sunlight which will destroy it. Also immersion into running water will slowly work to kill it. Finally there is the method of the stake through the heart. However a vampire will return to life if the stake is removed, unless the body is destroyed. Some Vampire Hunters prefer to cut off the head and fill it's mouth with holy water. Others prefer just to burn the body.

Habitat/Society: Vampires live in areas of death and desolation where they will not be reminded of the lives they have left behind. Ruined castles or chapels and large cemeteries are popular lairs for them, as are sites of great tragedies or battles. Vampires often feel a strong attachment to specific areas with some morbid significance, like the grave of a suicide or the site of a murder.

When deciding on a course of action or planning a campaign, vampires move very slowly and meticulously. It is not uncommon for a vampire to undertake some scheme which may take decades or even centuries to reach its conclusion. Because of the curse of immortality that has fallen upon them, they feel that time is always on their side and will often defeat foes who might otherwise overcome them; the vampire can simply go into hiding for a few decades until the passing of the years brings down it's enemies.

Vampires are normally solitary creatures. When they are found in the company of others of their kind, the group will certainly consist of a single vampire lord and a small group of vampires which it has created to do its bidding. In this way, the vampire can exert its power over a greater range without running the risk of exposing itself to attack by would-be heroes. In general, vampires feel only contempt for the world and its inhabitants. Denied the pleasures of a true life, they have become dark and twisted creatures bent on revenge and terror. When a vampire creates another of its kind, it considers the new creature a mere tool. The minion will be sent on missions which the vampire feels may be too dangerous or unimportant for its personal attention. If the need arises, these pawns will gladly be sacrificed to protect or further the ends of their master.

Ecology: The vampire has no place in the world of living creatures. It is a thing of darkness that exists only to bring about evil and chaos. Almost without exception, the vampire is feared and hated by those who dwell in the regions in which it chooses to make its home. The vampire's unnatural presence is all-pervasive and will cause dogs and similar animals to raise a cry of alarm at the presence of the creature.
History: The vampire has no real history, as it has been around for as long as people can remember. Due to the black hair, some claim the vampires arose from Verdane or may -Be- the Verdane however this has never been proven or disproved. Vampires either move in packs or alone, with no real focus or uprising. When several vampires caused problems in Tantallon in the 600s, the nation enacted a Vampire Control Law and began paying Vampire Hunters. However that law was removed and no real legal precedence exists concerning vampires but as dead beings, they have no rights.
Character Attitude and personality: Vampires act mostly as people think they would, but they keep what they are very top secret and try to keep to low-profile areas such as Inns and Taverns within the less respectable parts of town where they can prey on people's vices.
Plotmaster's Notes: The vampire noted here is of the AD&D Variety, not the V:TM Variety. We do not use V:TM Stats, you cannot turn a vampire into one by making him drink blood, you cannot ghoul someone, and all V:TM Concepts are tossed out the window./A

Vazgell Can'ri

Difficulty Rating: 2

A race which can be traced back to the time of the Three Kingdoms, the Vazgell Can'ri are a race created and engineered by the Kopru. It is said that the Kopru, to create the ultimate soldier, breed Verdane and Fiends (Or maybe Demons) together creating a race holding the bloodlust of the Verdane, the power of the fiends and a loyalty to the Kopru that is comparable to God worship. They are renowned for their cunning, violence and cruelty. But they are not mindless savages. The Vazgell have a surprisingly complex culture that produces not only bloodthirsty warriors but also wise leaders and passionate artists.

The Vazgell resemble swarthy-skinned humans but are on the average taller, heavier, and more muscular than their human counter parts. They average between six and seven feet tall and weigh between 200 and 300 pounds. Males are heavier and wider than females and have no facial hair. Both males and females tend to wear their black hair long, sometimes tying it in topknots and braids. Tattoos and ritual scars are popular among the Vazgell, both as decoration and as badges of strength.

At a glance, most can pass for human, but upon closer inspection, there are two aspects that set them apart. The first is their eyes. Vazgell eyes have no discernable pupils and vary in color from white to yellow and to red which depends on their mood. When enraged, a Vazgell's eyes actually glow. The second distinction is a common deformity amongst the Vazgell: large bone spurs. These spurs often resemble horns growing from the skull, spikes growing from the spine, or claws growing from the hands or forearms. Despite popular belief, these spurs are not a natural occurrence.

Combat: A Vazgell in combat is a deadly force indeed. They pose strength superior to that of orcs and superb health, but are not as intelligent or "book smart" as some humans. Also the mere sight of one, in a rage and eyes glowing, is bound to put fear in an opponent. They rarely, if ever, wear armor, and prefer to fight in the manner similar to a Barbarian. They commonly weld more than one weapon, preferring two-handed weapons or two single handed weapons however a Vazgell is capable of holding a weapon in one hand which normally takes two to hold such as Greataxes and Pikes. They never use shields, instead preferring to parry with one weapon and attack with the other or move in close and fast to force an opponent into defending itself. They are unarmored, but are very agile for one their size and not weighed down or restricted in movement as one would be in a suit of chainmail. 

Besides this, the normal training path for a Vazgell Can'ri Warrior mixes Barbarian fighting styles as well as Arcane spellcraft.  They are able to use Dispel Magic, Contagion, Dominate Monster as well as a few other spells/attacks.

Sympathetic Sacrifice: This ability allows a Vazgell to injure himself and have that injury appear on a target such as cutting his chest with a dagger and the wound appears on the target regardless of armor.

Scorch: This ability causes a Vazgell and one target he is touching to burst into flames. The flames do not hurt the Vazgell, but do greatly harm the target and persist for as long as the Vazgell has contact with his foe.

Earthspears: Using this ability, a Vazgell causes sharp spears of stone to shoot up out of the earth, impaling those above them. This can only be used on a patch of soil within short range of the Vazgell. Six spears are generated, one foot apart from each other in a circle centered on the target and the spears are six feet tall.

As stated earlier, the bone spurs are not normal but the side effect of a specific drug the Kopru give the Vazgell Can'ri before difficult battles. This type of drug is a potion, made from certain roots and leaves found among the islands of the Kopru Expanse. This potion, ironically enough called "Ambrosia" by the Vazgell, induces hallucinations and psychotic episodes in those who drink it. It is given by the Kopru on the day of important and critical battles in Wars, and when ingested a Vazgell's effectivness in battle is greatly bolstered. Vazgell cannot feel pain while under the influence of the potion, go for days without sleep and are prone to terrible rages. Prolonged use leads not only to insanity but terrible physical deformities as well. Long term users are marked by horrible bone spurs jutting from the flesh like the horns an claws of the beasts. However among the Vazgell, those with such spurs are honored and feared among their peers. Taking the potion, one suffers a barbarian style rage however they are not fatigued afterwards. The rage sets in 1-6 minutes after drinking and lasts for an hour. If they drink another dose before the hour is up, the rage continues uninterrupted however a 30% chance exists of a side effect after each ingestion. This side effect being the appearance or growth of several spurs. While people fear these spurs, the Vazgell see the spurs as rather attractive.

Habitat/Society: Vazgell society is a calling, a service to the Kopru who they call Gods. They serve them as warriors and in whatever line of work there is, the Vazgell being the only ones who are actually able to speak to the Kopru. Vazgell society however focuses on strength. In their obsession with strength the Vazgell appreciate dwarves and half-orcs, while disdaining the "weak" humans, elves, gnomes and halflings. Of course, if a member of the "weak" races can impress a Vazgell with his/her strength then that person is respected. The Vazgell are more tolerant than most when it comes to dealing with orcs, goblins and other traditionally evil humanoid races.

Slavery is common among the Vazgell, though they never enslave their own kind. They prefer dwarven or orc slaves, due to their strength, but will settle for lesser races if there are no alternatives.

They exist within an order in the Kopru, being comparable to Knights, Officers and Generals. They oversee troops, take on daring commando-style raids and guard places of importance such as the Kopru Temples and Archways. Vazgell society is divided into family-based clans, some are nomadic and move across the island chain while others maintain a clan home at some critical part if they are honored with service to the Kopru. The Vazgell are fanatical in their worship of the Kopru, composing hundreds of odes to them which are passed down through the generations. Women are normally second-class citizens within the Vazgell, however a female Vazgell who can best a male in combat is given some of the potion which she keeps in a small vial as a showing of her acceptance. Sometimes Vazgell take other females of other races as mates, and their prestige depends on the male's prestige however they are mostly just glorified baby-makers, to spread the line and create more warriors for the Dynasty.

A Vazgell has a first name, a last name which is their clan name and then a name of some first great accomplishment such as "deathblade", "slavelord" and "bonesplicer". While anyone can claim this name, doing so without having accomplished a task is a deed of dishonor, mockery and they are given the name of "Gre'lin" which translates to "Gremlin" and means foolish and weak one, idiot of the clan. 

Ecology: The Vazgell have a simple way of life when not in battle. They exist in simple homes and live off of whatever food they can find. They are not craftsmen, however a few are adept alchemists and all are moderately-skilled weaponsmiths in the manner of fixing damaged weapons on the field. However besides this they have no real skills besides just a warrior.
History: The Vazgell Can'ri started around 11,000 years ago when contact occurred between the Kopru Dynasty and the Verdane Empire. The Kopru saw within the Verdane potential, and a few volunteered to become the very first of the Vazgell Can'ri, breed with summoned demons and fiends. What type however is unknown. The Vazgell are the Kopru's "Knights", the Warriors who serve the Gods. Some Vazgell command over troops of other races, others join small orders or packs in a form similar to Commando Divisions. Others guard places of importance to the Kopru. This way of life has remained as it was for centuries and is to this very day.
Character Attitude and personality: The Vazgell value strength above all else. They beleive weakness must be eradicated, not only in themselves but also in others. Therefore, the Vazgell tend to be aggressive, arrogant and quick of temper. Mercy, patience and humility can be interpreted as signs of weakness and are avoided. Cowardice is worse than death. A Vagzell's reckless bravery in combat carries over into the rest of his life. The Vazgell throw themselves into their tasks with wild abandon, whether they are hunting, eating, dancing or worshipping the Kopru. They have no time for subtle intrigue or long-term political scheming. They live life to the fullest, from one moment to the next.

The Vazgell language is harsh and guttural, with strings of consonants that outsiders find difficult to prnounce. There is a crude runic version of the language that varies widely across the island chain. Clan elders use this to record the clan's achievements on long scrolls of cured animal skin. Most Vazgell have no need for writing and maintain their family records through oral tradition and epic poems.

Vazgell who leave their clan to seek out adventure are either seekers, wanderers or rebels. Seekers are sent by their clan into the world beyond the Expanse on some type of quest which may take years. However when completed, they return to receive honor and rewards. Wanderers do the same, but of their own accord. Rebels have no choice but to leave, either due to shame or dishonor. They are forbidden from ever setting foot into the lands of the Kopru Expanse ever again. However a few rebels are those who reject the set ways, who reject the Kopru as the Gods or reject their society altogether.

A Vazgell Can'ri has twice the lifespan of a human, but reaches maturity at 30 years of age as opposed to 17-18 in some humans. At reaching the halfway point of their life, past their 100th birthday, some Vazgell retire from their warrior ways and take up leadership or training positions within Kopru society. Before this however they embark on a great quest, one last final "Seeking". They either return with some vast reward or do not return at all. Females birth within 4-6 months as opposed to 9 in most humans.


Difficulty Rating: 3
Guidelines Used: Custom


Combat: N/A

Habitat/Society: N/A

Ecology: N/A
History: N/A
Character Attitude and personality: N/A


Difficulty Rating: 2

The Verdane is part of the little known past of Imperia, of a time before the settlers reached Verdania and founded what is known as the Damocles calendar. The name "Verdania" for the continent comes from some old Aeris scrolls the settlers brought with them, scrolls that told forth a story of the first ever attempted at humans.

Created by the Titan Lominos (Who was either with Illiara or a Succubus, history is not sure) as a race to fill and inherit Imperia (And later Earth) the story of their creation has already been covered.

Verdane are human, but they are to other humans as drow are to elves. In normal human society, evil individuals are mixed amid the neutral and good people, but Verdane are evil as a race. Verdane rarely call themselves evil, but they do not object to others putting that label on them.

All Verdane are born out of rape, anger and pain. They understand only hate, selfishness, and greed. Yet as much as they love to kill and maim, one goal fuels their souls even more strongly: deicide. The Verdane want to kill the deities that created them and those who stood by and allowed the various injustices that befell the Verdane to happen. This burning hunger for god-death keeps them bound together as a reluctant, although secret, society. While Verdane sometimes kill other Verdanes, it is a rare act despite their bloodthirsty, destructive, and utterly immoral nature.

A typical Verdane stands little more than 6 feet tall and weighs from 175 to 210 pounds. The males are noticeably taller and heavier than the females. Verdane skin shades range from fair to very pale, their hair is straight and jet black, and the men generally have facial hair. Like humans, Verdane have short life spans, achieving adulthood at about age 15 and rarely living beyond a century. 

Combat: A Verdane can be anything and weld any type of magic with the exception of good or druidic magics. They favor arcane magic, several taking up the wizard path and many others born into sorcery. Verdane spellcasters thrive on corrupt spells and evil magic, and they develop new spells all the time. Despite their distaste for divine magic, the Verdane do have a few clerics of the sort, called Si-Priests. They do not channel power from the gods, instead, they steal it. The Verdane claim that the proper role of the cleric is not to serve, but to take. Verdane are never druids, bards, barbarians or anything concerning the following of a God.

While a Verdane is not evil, per say, they do detect as evil on a spell. However no spell nor method among mortals exists to identify a Verdane as opposed to everyone else. Any Detect Evil spells on them come back with unsure results. They detect as evil but the caster is not so sure.

Only Titans, Primals and Divine beings can tell who and what a Verdane is. However they are rare to speak of this as the Verdane was a dark page in the history of the Gods.

Habitat/Society: Verdane do not understand concepts such as mercy, kindness or love. Not even towards each other. These concepts are so alien to them that they rarely think to use the emotions of others as leverage. For example, only a Verdane with years of experience among other humanoids would kidnap someone; most would not even consider that the victim's friends might actually value her life. Verdane also show no revulsion for creatures or acts that other humans find repellent. They have no aversion to gore or filth, they have no taboos against rape and incest, and they have no distaste for creatures such as insects, serpents, and worms. If a Verdane believes that eating maggots will somehow help her, she won't hesitate to do so.

Ecology: Once, millennia ago in a period known as the "Time of the Three Kingdoms" (11,000 years before the A.D. calendar) the Verdane held a mighty Empire that spanned over what is now known as Vernalla, Roshack and Damocles. This society was known as the Verdane Empire.

The lands of the Verdane were known (By those rare few who remember them) as a well defended land, one where traps and enslaved guardian monsters kept vital entry points well defended. Verdane cities were built mostly underground, with Forts, Castles and Temples marking various "Entrances". They had a very sophisticated and organized culture where a council of elders elected through democratic means ruled over Verdane. The Verdane would never abide a despot and would all die before submitting to tyranny. The council members are simply administrators, because Verdane have few laws. They do what they want and take what they want, and each defends himself as well as he can. Somehow, this system of government worked. Maybe it was because of the hatred that bind the Verdane together and their utter incomprehension that life could be lived any other way.

However this society collapsed (Others believe some God unleashed a terrible wrath upon them) long before the lands of Verdania were ever settled. Only myths and legends in dusty tomes hint at what was once there, as well as old Castles, Forts and ruins that leave scholars baffled. The Verdane, today, now blend in among humans and have forgotten the old Empire, the greatness they had. But that anger still remains within.

History: The history picks up right where Lesson 3 leaves off, with the Verdane abandoned and replaced by humans but still holding what is known as Verdania. This time period is said to of been tens of thousands of years ago and the Verdane flourished, growing into vast numbers. They numbered in millions around the time of the Three Kingdoms (11,000 years before AD) when the Verdane Empire gained an ally in the Kopru Dynasty. At the time, the Verdane had expanded north, south and east. In expansion to the North, they ran into an Elven Kingdom known as Pyrerane and in the south they encountered a race known as the Verax. Both of these encounters resulted in wars that lasted in centuries with the war against the Verax ending with several Verax taken prisoners (And evolved into Vilkurg) and with the Pyrerane Kingdom being wiped out thanks to a three-way alliance between the Kopru Dynasty, the Drow of Hadicia and the Verdane. However what has happened next has been shrouded in mystery.

Somewhere, in the 11,000 year span between the settlers and the Three Kingdoms Age, the Verdane Empire was wiped out. Some claim they never did get wiped out, that they merely relocated to some continent further east (A few point towards Kardius, others claim they found their way to Earth and created Atlantis, some think they found another world and moved there. A few even claim the Krarthians were made of Verdane stock). Others think the Verdane did some great, foul evil and earned the wrath of the Primals (Such as destroying a Primal Blade, some holy relic, or using the Primal Keys to create some spell that forever damned Imperia). While a few have different theories (An Abomination was unleashed, the Kopru betrayed the Verdane, the Elves got their revenge, the Verax got their revenge, some Demon Lord assaulted the lands, some natural disaster wiped them out, an Asteriod hit Imperia and flung it into an Ice Age). What happened exactly is and may forever remain a mystery as the Gods, Titans and such beings seem to refuse to speak of that era. The other Verdane also seem to of forgotten this moment, as it was centuries and generations ago. 

After the collapse, the Verdane moved into hiding. Those few left in Verdania blended in among the settlers, posing as regular humans and have remained a secret within society for centuries.Others, /A

Character Attitude and personality: A Verdane will act towards all other races as humans do, however they exhibit a great hatred for Gods and Humans. The God hatred was explained, but Humans the Verdane hate cause the Verdane know that they were here first, that Imperia was meant for them. That the humans are inferior to them and meant to replace a mistake. Verdane have no qualms about butchering humans, killing children, or raping humans to create more Verdane. The character personality and attitude has been well documented in this entry. Other races will act towards the Verdane as they do humans cause they simply do not know the difference. Verdane make sure not to go announcing who and what they are, and simply pass themselves off as humans. For centuries everyone has beleived this.


Difficulty Rating: 1

The wolf is a very active, cunning carnivore, capable of surviving in nearly every climate. Shrouded in mystery and suspicion, they are viewed as vicious killers that slaughter men and animals alike for the lack of better things to do. The truth is that never in recorded history has a non-rabid or non-charmed wolf attached any creature having an equal or higher intellect than itself. Northern wolves exhibit colors from pure white, to grey, to black. Southern wolves are reddish and brown in color. Although fur coloration vary from climate, all wolves have various features in common. They are characterized by powerful jaws; wide strong teeth; bushy tails; tall, strong ears; and round pupils. Their eyes, a gold or amber color, seem to have an almost empathic ability.

Combat: Wolves hunt in packs during winter and late fall when only large herbivores are available. Wolves prefer small prey over the larger variety, because of the amount of energy required to run them down. Even then, they catch only the weak and sickly animals. Wolves usually hunt only one large quarry per week, per pack, going without food for days at a time. During summer months, a single wolf can consume over 30 mice in a single day. If a wolf or wolf pack is attacked by humans, they run away, looking back momentarily to make sure they are not being followed. If backed into an inescapable location, they will attack by tearing at clothing or legs and arms until they have an opening to escape. /A

Habitat/Society: Wolves, like humans, are social animals. They live, hunt and play in families. There is a very strict social structure in these family groups that is continually followed. Each pack is led by an alpha male; his mate is the alpha female. Only the alpha male and alpha female breed, but the second ranking female often helps in whelping and nursing duties. Wolves prefer areas not inhabited by other large predators. Their domain has many terrain features in which they can play. Large rocks, fallen trees, and brooks play an important part in their recreational activities. Wolves will leave an area once humans move in.

Ecology: Wolves are valuable hunters in the wild. Fear of the wolf has resulted in their extinction in many areas. This genocide results in a marked increase in rodents and deer population that has nearly demolished the surrounding ecosystems.
History: Wolves exist in Verdania and all parts of Imperia, however in Damocles around the 680s several wolves in large packs began a sudden and unprovoked attack of the outlying Damocles towns along the Northern border. Damocles responded with sending in their Army in a period known as the "Wolf Border Raids". Due to this Damocles now has Wolf Control Laws, which keeps their population in check and slaughters any wolves should they overbreed. Besides this event, there is no other item of note in the history of the Wolf.
Character Attitude and personality: All the information stated is good on playing a wolf, however they avoid civilization and they CANNOT talk like a human can. At all unless by some freak event they can. But even then a talking wolf is enough to make a person freak out and kill it.


Difficulty Rating: 4

The wolfwere is an evil and hateful creature that delights in the brutal slaying of humans and demihumans alike. In many cases, the wolfwere is able to attack its victims with utter surprise because of its ability to assume the shape of a human of exceptional charisma. The wolfwere is able to assume a wide variety of shapes at will. Transformation from one to another only takes just under a minute. Its true shape, and that in which it prefers to spend the vast majority of its time, is that of a large wolf. When in this state, it is almost indistinguishable from a dire wolf. When a wolfwere is attempting to lure one into an ambush, it will assume the shape of a member of their race. Almost without exception, the new persona will not be of the same sex as the potential victim. Thus, a wolfwere which is stalking a male elf will transform itself into a female elf.

Combat: The wolfwere is a sly and dangerous adversary. In addition to its great fury and fighting prowess, its high intelligence must not be overlooked or underestimated. When spotting a target in its territory, the wolfwere will change to a humaniod form and assume the guise of a pilgrim, minstrel or similar wanderer. The wolfwere will normally carry some form of stringed instrument which it seems to absent-mindedly play at while it travels. The true nature of its song however is terrible and often fatal. Anyone who hears the wolfwere's song and will be overcome with lethargy, similar to a slow spell. Then the wolfwere will take on a half-wolf/half-human form and attack and is able to wield weapons.

Due to the magical nature of the wolfwere, they are immune to normal weapons. Magical weapons and those made from cold wrought iron can injure them. Everything else is just useless. The Wolfwere has a foul disgust for wolfsbane and shall avoid it whenever possible.

Habitat/Society: The wolfwere is generally fairly solitary in nature. When encountered in the wild, it is rare that more than three of these creatures will be found. In almost all cases, encounters with more than one wolfwere will be with a mated pair or a group which has decided to work together to increase the success of their hunting.

Ecology: A wolfwere in the wild sometimes runs with a pack of wild wolves, usually worgs. The wolfwere's influence causes the wolves and worgs to become far more vicious and evil than they might normally be. Despite their fondness for wolves and worgs, wolfweres loath the company of werewolves. The enmity between these two monsters is so great that they will often attack each other on sight.
History: The wolfwere has no real society or place in history, most noted along the way as murderers, villains or Shadow Knights. Several joined the Shadow Knights during the First War as a way to kill humans and be paid for it and exact revenge on Damocles for acts and deeds during the Wolf Border Raids. Some sages suggest that Wolfweres, a large united group of them either acting of their own accord or for some other group (Maybe the Shadow Knights) is the reason behind the wolves sudden shift to evil and the brutal attacks that caused the Wolf Border Raids.
Character Attitude and personality: Cause of the evil nature of the Wolfwere, characters of this type are almost always villains or murders. They either work along with organizations such as the Shadow Knights, lend themselves out as Assassins, or exist within society as serial murders. A few captured Wolfweres have been serial murders and rapists. This creature type is sly, cunning, deceitful and evil.

Worm That Walks

Difficulty Rating: 5
Guidelines Used: AD&D 3rd Edition Epic Level Handbook


Combat: N/A

Habitat/Society: N/A

Ecology: N/A
Character Attitude and personality: N/A


Difficulty Rating: ?
Guidelines Used: AD&D 3rd Edition Monstrous Manual


Combat: N/A

Habitat/Society: N/A

Ecology: N/A
Character Attitude and personality: N/A

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